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Where Healthcare and Business Converge.


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Our Vision

Our success is measured by our clients' success and impact.  By deploying a combination of insurance, business growth services through technology and integrated human capital, we are able to accelerate strategy delivery and observe real-time outcomes.  Data-informed decisions are better decisions.  We are healthcare scientists, business scientists, and big thinkers with a passion for creating innovative strategies to improve the quality of business support and scale.  

Whether you are looking to deliver innovative healthcare, scale your business, or optimize your current capabilities, we can be your strategic partner.  We take pride in building long-term relationships with our partners.  By working together, we can streamline your business's scale and impact.

Our Mission
Developing long-term relationships and delivering targeted performance improvement that enables scale, financial and operational excellence in every area of business.

Our Principles

Our principles define how we approach everything.

It guides our thought process.

Integrity is first and foremost.

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Our Name:
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Derived Meaning Behind Our Name and What We Mean To Our Clients: A Golden Tomorrow
Gold in Latin: aurum
Tomorrow in Greek: avrio
Meaning Behind Our Logo:

Carbon is considered to be "The Building Blocks of Life." This is commonly taught in Organic Chemistry college classes. At Aurio, our goal is to be "The Building Blocks to your Business."

The reason Carbon is considered "The Building Blocks of Life," is due to its ability to form complex, stable bonds with itself and other elements. At Aurio, we believe our ability to form complex, stable bonds with our internal team and clients is what drives enterprise value.  

We take a scientific approach to solving healthcare and business problems by deploying the Scientific Method in everything we do. At Aurio, we follow the data.

Why does our symbol have one hexagon but the name has three? In business, we are always looking for the winning equation.  We believe the best results are not when 1+1=2 but when 1+1=3.  We combine our services with experienced management teams to become more than what is possible. Building a winning equation that matches your team's ambition.

Our Brand


If we can't do it with integrity then we will not do it at all.  Trust and ethics are paramount.

Care and consideration for others.  Care is our duty and obligation.  Passion and empathy drive everything we do.

Thinking big, challenging the status quo, new methods, seeing more possibilities than problems.
Ask questions to understand, not to judge.  A natural hunger for learning and knowledge.
Take action.  Do not be afraid to make honest mistakes.  Move fast and fail forward.
Figure it out.  It is not about knowing everything, but knowing how to find who/what can help you find a solution.

Deploying the Scientific Method in Business, Healthcare, and Life.

"Principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses."

Make an Observation

Ask a Question

Perform Research

Form Hypothesis
Conduct Experiment
Analyze Results & Draw Conclusions
Report Results & Repeat Process

In Business:
Deploying the Scientific Method in business and every department of your business.  From startup creation, business model, legal, finance, marketing, advertising, sales, operations, data science, security, engineering, and customer experience.

In Healthcare: 
Deploying the Scientific Method in healthcare and every industry within healthcare.  Optimize your healthcare with personalized care, lower costs, and patient access.  The constant question of "How can we do this better?" 

In Life:
Deploying the scientific method in life and every aspect of your day. Try new things, act boldly, and fail forward. Deploying the Scientific Method in life is a thought process of "Progress over perfection."

Who We Help

Founder's Letter

Where Healthcare and Business Converge.
Optimize Your Healthcare.
Scale and Support Your Business.

We are at the beginning of the next chapter for healthcare services and business solutions.  Every chapter brings new voices and new ideas, but also new challenges, risks, and disruption.  Today, our current healthcare companies fight against each other at the cost of patient care. Businesses are battling for increased market share.  With our business solutions, businesses will be able to accelerate their scaling process and have the support necessary to thrive.  The optimization of healthcare services and business solutions are the two most important problems we focus on.  

Our goal is to simplify and streamline patient care models for optimized access to clinical care.  We hope to improve how people connect to healthcare with trust and transparency. We hope to improve how people connect to businesses and the economy.  We think a more open and connected world will help create a stronger economy with more authentic businesses that build better products and services.  Personal relationships are the fundamental unit of our society.  By helping form these connections, we hope to rewire the way people build their business, deliver healthcare services, and receive medical care.  Relationships are how we discover new ideas, understand our world and ultimately derive long-term happiness.  

Aurio is not a conventional company.  We do not intend to become one.  Aurio was born October 2018.  We are proud of our impact so far and are excited for the journey ahead.  Our principles guide how we do everything.  Have integrity, care, be curious, be bold, be innovative, and resourceful.  Aurio's culture is also extremely open and meritocratic.  The best idea with a plan, data, and execution wins.

Like most scientific minded teams, we enjoy working on big ideas and solving complex problems.  We have learned to fall in love with the process.  As the process is the adventure and that is where the magic happens.  Aurio deploys the Scientific Method in everything we do.  We make observations, ask questions, perform research, form hypotheses, conduct experiments, analyze results, draw conclusions, report the results, and repeat the process.  The process is never finished as we focus on progress over perfection.

Most great people care primarily about building and being a part of great things. Through the process of building a team, we've developed a deep appreciation for how building a strong foundation with an aligned vision, and innovative thinking can be the best way to recruit many people to solve important problems.  We don't build services to make money; we make money to build better services.  And we think that is a great way to build a company.  We optimize with technology and maximize our human capital to focus on our client relationships and business relationships.

At Aurio, we believe that something can always be better, and nothing is ever complete.  We just have to go fix it.  Often in the face of people who say it's impossible or are content with the status quo.  Whether we are talking about healthcare solutions or business solutions, we want what is best for you.  We're dedicating our energy to this mission.  The future will be beyond anything we can imagine and we are looking forward to building it with you.

Where healthcare and business converge. 

Welcome to Aurio.

-Zach Chirico, Founder & CEO

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Explore all of our solutions.  Let us help you find the best fit!

aurio about how we build business
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Cherry Hill, New Jersey

Aurio, LLC

Tel: 609-300-6898

Cherry Hill, NJ

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© 2024 by Aurio, LLC

Aurio Growth, LLC & Aurio Insurance Agency, LLC are affiliates of Aurio, LLC

Business Services & Management Consulting are operated through Aurio Growth, LLC

Benefits & Insurance are operated through Aurio Insurance Agency, LLC

Aurio Insurance Agency, LLC is an affiliate of Aurio, LLC. All insurance products will be offered and sold only through Aurio Insurance Agency, LLC, its licensed agents or its licensed insurance partners. Licensed in New Jersey. If you reside in another state, this is not a solicitation or endorsement for insurance brokerage services.

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